Blog Tour: The Time Traveler’s Boyfriend

ttbThe Time Traveler’s Boyfriend
by Annabelle Costa
Published by Dev Love Press
250 pages
Genre: chick lit; romance 
Thanks to the publisher for the preview
4 / 5


Claudia and Adam have been dating for a year, and given that she’s in her mid thirties, the deafening sound of a clock ticking has become the soundtrack of her life. It doesn’t help that Claudia’s parents routinely ask her when she’s getting married.

The only person, in fact, who is not all that keen on discussing the matter is Adam.

It turns out that Adam had a true love who broke his heart in the years before he and Claudia met. So let’s just say that Adam is a wee tad reluctant to commit.

He likes inventing things, and when one of his projects turns out to be a time machine, he convinces Claudia to go back and prevent The Accident.

You see, Adam is disabled, having been hit by a car. He wants Claudia to return to the time he got hit and stop it from happening. He also hopes that her doing so will prevent him from having his heart broken.

There is a sweetness to this book that is almost difficult to quantify. Claudia wants to get married, yet she finds herself wondering if Adam really is future husband material. He gave her diamond earrings instead of a diamond ring, and he keeps saying he isn’t ready. Claudia isn’t so sure she wants to wait around for him to be ready, either. When he asks her to travel back in time, though, she finds herself agreeing. She’d do anything for him; well, she would time travel for him. But will she wait for him to be ready?

Adam is completely lovable. Yes, we understand that he was burned – and burned badly, it appears – by his ex flame. As much as we empathize with the heartbreak, we understand even more his desire to be rid of the wheelchair and disability. If it can be fixed, then why not try?

All the while, you will find yourself hoping that these two stay together. You can almost forget that Adam is wheelchair bound, and you can see why Claudia loves him so much. Why is he drawn to her? Well, that’s not so easy to understand. She loves him, and she doesn’t seem put off by his disability. She loves him for him, and I suppose that’s a powerful aphrodisiac.

And speaking of aphrodisiacs, yes, there is some headboard rockin’. It’s fairly mild, but Costa wants you to know that a disability does not equate to not being able to be a lover.

This is a quick, sweet read that will have you chuckle out loud and perhaps even shed a tear. It’s fun and heartwarming, and you will enjoy it.

Want to know more?

You can read the first chapter – FOR FREE! – right hereanniefixed

About the Author

Annabelle Costa is a teacher who writes in her free time.  She enjoys the wounded hero genre, involving male love interests with physical disabilities, who don’t follow the typical Hollywood perception of sexy.


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Filed under blog tour, chick lit, romance, TLC Book Tour

3 responses to “Blog Tour: The Time Traveler’s Boyfriend

  1. It sounds so cute! Thanks so much for being on the tour.

  2. Pingback: Annabelle Costa, author of The Time Traveler’s Boyfriend, on tour April 2014 | TLC Book Tours

  3. Pingback: “The Time Traveler’s Boyfriend” by Annabelle Costa | Melody & Words

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